Steps to Disable Internal Keyboard or any other internal device Fedora

$ libinput list-devices

Scroll to find the right section (Something like Asus Keyboard).

Find the line Kernel: /dev/input/event#. Use the event# for the next command:

$ udevadm info -a -p /sys/class/input/event#

Where # is the number of the device you want to disable.

Find an attribute that is most probably unique/distinct.
For example ATTRS{name}=="Asus Keyboard" and create a new file:


(You can give it any name but location should be the same)

Use Kwrite for kde and gedit for gnome to create the file.

Add below line in file:

KERNEL=="event#", ATTRS{name}=="Asus Keyboard", ENV{LIBINPUT_IGNORE_DEVICE}="1"

Save and exit.
Then check if it worked by typing in:

$ udevadm test /sys/class/input/event#

and check if below line is present:


If this line is there (most probably within the last 3 lines), you have successfully marked it to be disabled.
Now reboot and your keyboard or any other device should be disabled.

Let me know if you have any questions.